Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My First Blog Post!!!!

So, I've been wanting to start a blog forever! So here it is. My first one. I can't rant and rave and whine and complain from behind my computer and no one will ever know who I am. Unless this blog gets really popular...which I really doubt. :) I'll try to post often. Bring up new music, old music, outfits, shoes and everything else I can find that I love. And if you love it too...right on! If you don't, well maybe you should give it a try!
Right now I am home with my mom who injured her hand yesterday. A frying pan caught fire and she was trying to get it out of the house. I was freaking out and she stayed calm. Thank God everyone is okay and nothing worse happened. Took her to the ER and she has second degree burns on three fingers on her right hand. Middle, Index and thumb. It looks awful and blistered and I know she is in pain. Bravery doesn't even begin to cover it. I know I wouldn't have had the mind set to know what to do if that had happened while I was here alone. We probably wouldn't have a house anymore and that scares me to death. Some Valentine's day huh?
So yesterday was February 14th. St. Valentine's Day. Joy of my life. I simply dislike Valentine's day and in it's honor I wore all black. I call it Single Awareness Day. It sucks because the guy i'm head over heels with doesn't even remember me, I'm sure. Thanks College! Ugh. So the only good thing is that now the candy is 50% off and I can gorge myself on chocolate that I don't need while I drown in my sorrows. LOL :) I'm sick of red hearts and roses and pink and teddy bears and anything else that has to do with the worst day of the year. Sickening.
I guess if you're in a couple maybe Valentine's day isnt that bad.

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